The village Trokhizbenka is located in the East Ukrainian region of Luhansk, several hundred meters away from the front-line, on the side controlled by the Ukrainian government. Only a river separates it from the Russian-supported separatists. From time to time you can hear gunfires, and the detonation of missiles.
The situation of those who remained in the devastated village, mostly old and sick people, is terrible. Again and again someone gets hurt when bullets hit the houses. The village has a ward but the ambulance happens to be on separatist´s territory, and out of reach for Tochisbenka´s inhabitants. The nearest hospital is an hour drive. In the villages around Trokhizbenka, the situations is even worse, as there is no medical care at all. Nevertheless 3000 people still live in this area.
Paramedic Liliya Shvets uses her scooter to reach the patients, which is not always easy, particularly in winter. But she can hardly transport injured people on it, so a new ambulance is needed urgently. Clearly with war injuries, rapid help is crucial – in fact every minutes counts. Many people do not get the medical help they need in time. This causes avoidable disabilities and unnecessary death.Together with our Ukrainian partner organisation Vostok SOS we want to stop this. Hence we call for donations to buy a second hand ambulance, equip it with basic medical stock, and provide a financial base for fuel and potential repair work. Please help us to gather 5000 Euro for the project Ambulance for Trokhizbenka.
Donations account Germany:
Account holder: Libereco
Reference: Aid for Ukraine
IBAN: DE96 8309 4495 0003 3203 32
Donations Account Switzerland:
Account Holder: Libereco
Reference: Aid for Ukraine
Post Account: 85-792427-8
IBAN: CH81 0070 0114 8059 2400 2
Some impressions of the situation in Trokhizbenka in summer 2015 (All photos provided by Vostok SOS):